Nelson Mandela Death Update: Journalists Hoping He Dies? Reporters Say Improved Health Could Be ‘Worst Disaster In American Media History’ After President Denies Death Rumors

South African President Jacob Zuma says Nelson Mandela's health is improving, according to Reuters, but some reporters covering the story say a delayed death could be the "worst disaster in American media history" since they are losing time and money on a story.

"Every time Mandela goes into hospital, large numbers of Americans (up to 50) are flown here to take up their positions, and the South African network is similarly activated. Colin [news cameraman friend], for instance, travels to Johannesburg, hires a car and checks into a hotel, all on the network's ticket. Since last December, he's probably spent close to 30 days (at $2000 a day, expenses included) cooling his heels at various poolsides. And he has yet to shoot a single frame," writes one blogger for The Spectator.

"As Colin says, this could be the worst disaster in American media history, inter alia because all these delays are destroying the story. When the old man finally dies, a lot of punters are going to yawn and say, Mandela died? Didn't that already happen a year ago?"

Journalists covering the Nelson Mandela death story have also encountered difficulties associated with speaking to relatives, public officials and other loved ones close to the anti-Apartheid revolutionary.

President Zuma told reporters at the hospital in Pretoria where Nelson Mandela is being treated that he is "disturbed" by rumors that the former leader is dead.

"He is much better today than he was when I saw him last night. The medical team continues to do a sterling job. We must pray for Tata's ['father's'] health and wish him well," Zuma said, according to the International Business Times.

"We must also continue with our work and daily activities while Madiba [Mandela] remains hospitalized."

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