Playstation 4 Release Date Rumors: Last-Minute Changes Made To PS4 Price, Specs? Sony Didn’t Include Playstation Eye Camera To Keep Console Cheaper Than Xbox One

Microsoft has been under the spotlight for its recent changes to gaming policies and specs for the Xbox One, but they might not be the only ones who shifted their console features to better cater to the gamer market.

The decision to ship the PlayStation 4 without the revamped PlayStation Eye was made after Sony's PlayStation Meeting back in February, with Sony hoping to gain a leg up over Microsoft thanks to a 100 dollar difference in the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 price tags, according to IGN Entertainment, the International Digital Times reports.

The original launch plans slated the Playstation 4 to sell for $499, the same price as the Xbox One, the International Digital Times also reports.

Sony's last-minute decision to cut the price of its PS4 console made a significant difference in its marketability to gamers, as many seeking to purchase a new console for the holiday season look for more affordable rates.

Game developer Activision recently said the Playstation 4 will have an advantage over Xbox one because of its cheaper price, according to

"It's up to them to win the value argument," Activision Publishing president Eric Hirshberg told, when questioned if the Xbox One's $499 price was a concern, according to

 "If you do a focus group of a gazillion people and you show them two prices for two competitive products, 100 percent always prefer the lower price. I think from a first impression standpoint the win goes to Sony, at least as it relates to pricing," he said.

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