Two-Headed Turtle At Texas Zoo Makes Public Debut In San Antonio: View The Two-Headed Turtle Here [PHOTO]

A two-headed turtle at Texas zoo was publicly shown for the first time on Tuesday at the San Antonio zoo.

The two-headed turtle at Texas zoo has been given the name Thelma and Louise, which is based off the 1991 film of two friends that go on a two-day vacation in the mountains before reaching their destination.

This two-headed turtle at Texas zoo hatched on June 18, according to Craig Belke, the Curator of Reptiles, Amphibians, and Aquatics. He also said that the turtle was born with two heads because the twins did not separate. He noted that it was uncommon, but can happen, according to a report from the Associated Press.

According to The San Antonio Express-News, the cooter is a freshwater species native to Texas. This specific turtle has two-heads and when one of the employees was able to hold Thelma and Louise,

"The first time I saw her and held her she seemed like she had a split personality," Belke told Fox 13. "The right side was looking around very curious and the left side was trying to bite me. At this time, Thelma and Louise are doing well on exhibit and eating with both heads."

The San Antonio Zoo said that they do not expect any health problems for the two-headed turtle.


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