Porn Star Farrah Abraham Thinks Kim Kardashian Would Take Her Parenting Guidance! Worst Mom Ever Doling Advice[VIDEO]

Farrah Abraham Insulted Kim Kardashian and now Farrah thinks it's ok to give Kim baby advice! Farrah slammed Kim Kardashian's baby name North, and now thinks Kim would actually listen to the porn star's advice.

Farrah Abraham, Teen Mom, turned porn star told Kim Kardashian:

The best thing to do when you are a new mom and you have a newborn is just to stay focused, passionate and loving about your home life. And just keep being successful in your career, and I don't really think she needs me to say that; just you know, she needs support and to stay focused and healthy. She'll be a great mom.

I don't think Kim is listening to Farrah, or can ever think of Farrah Abraham as some kind of parenting guru. Farrah made a porn while her daughter was three and put little Sophia on national television with "Teen Mom!"

Farrah recently wasn't very nice about Kim's new baby, ripping on the name North.

"She named her child North? Maybe she likes that," Farrah told

"North? I mean, I could see someone naming their child North. It's really her own preference. I don't feel like it matches."

I can't believe I'm actually sticking up for Kim Kardashian.  Leave it to Farrah Abraham to make Kim Kardashian look like a saint!

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