Bert And Ernie Cover On The New Yorker: Shows The "Sesame Street" Male Roommates Cuddling, Watching Possible Gay Marriage Rulings

Bert and Ernie cover on the New Yorker sparks an instant wave on the internet as people want to see the controversial cover because the two "Sesame Street" characters are cuddling up on the couch watching members of the United States Supreme Court.

This Bert and Ernie cover on the New Yorker suggest that they were happily celebrating the recent Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) rulings on gay marriage.

It has been a running-rumor over the years whether or not the two were indeed a couple, instead of roommates that slept in the bed together. Now that the Bert and Ernie cover on the New Yorker has surfaced, the rumor heats up even more.

The SCOTUS ruling Wednesday was that married same-sex couples were entitled to federal benefits and, by declining to decide a case from California, effectively allowed same-sex marriages there. Laws were also placed banning same-sex marriage around the nation.

Jack Hunter created the Bert and Ernie cover on the New Yorker and posted the picture on Tumblr first.

"It's amazing to witness how attitudes on gay rights have evolved in my lifetime," the magazine's website quotes Hunter as saying. "This is great for our kids, a moment we can all celebrate."

As far as the gay rumors of Bert and Ernie, it heated up when a tweet from Sesame Street said, "Bert: Ever notice how similar my hair is to Mr. T's? The only difference is mine is a little more 'mo,' a little less 'hawk.'"

The mo-hawk hinted at a haircut that is somewhat sterotyped for homosexual men.

There were even tweets asking for the two to get married. Sesame Street took its Facebook page by saying the two were just friends.

"Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street MuppetsTM do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation," the statement said.

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