Walking Dead Actress Indicted For Alleged Ricin Letters That Were Sent To President Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg And A Gun Control Lobbyist

A Walking Dead actress indicted for alleged ricin letters to President Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and a gun control lobbyist in Washington, D.C. in May.

The Walking Dead actress indicted is Shannon Richardson. The 35-year-old from Texas was charged with three counts including making "threats against the President of the United States."

Richardson, known as Guess Richardson, has appeared on episodes of "The Walking Dead," "The Vampire Diaries," "Franklin And Bash" and the movie, "The Change-Up."

If convicted, Richardson faces up to 15 years in federal prison, according to the prosecutors. The Walking Dead actress indicted appeared on the show, but now may be known as the one who sent the letters to these individuals, but those letters were intercepted before any of the addressed people could get their hands on the letter.

The letter also contained not enough ricin to poison Obama, Bloomberg or the fun control lobbyist.

One of the letters was shown on ABC News and it said, "You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns. Anyone wants to come to my house will get shot in the face... I will take care of this myself and make sure you wont be runnin this country in the ground any further. What's in this letter is nothing compared to what ive got in store for you mr president [sic]."

She allegedly tried to blame her husband, Nathaniel Richardson for the crime. When he found out it was his wife who might have committed this crime, he said it was "heartbreaking."

"The way I look at it, being angry is a waste of energy," Nathaniel Richardson told ABC News. "She has done this to herself. She has destroyed my reputation and my life but there's a way up from this and if I sit here and focus on anger, I can't focus on getting on with my life."

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