Lady Gaga's Star Spangled Performance at Gay Pride Kickoff in New York while Gaga's Dad Rips New York Mayor Bloomberg on Twitter

Lady Gaga made her first public appearance since hip surgery at Friday night's kickoff to Gay Pride in New York and sang a rousing rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" celebrating with her gay fans while her dad ripped New York's Mayor Bloomberg, according to New York's Daily News.

"It's my LGTB friends and fans who always said to me, I knew Lady Gaga when," she told the crowd. "Well, look who the star is now," she said as the crowd cheered."Now I get to say that I knew you when."

The 27-year-old talked about her difficult teenage years: "When I was in high school and grade school and younger, I was considered to be an outcast and I just couldn't find my place.

"Where did I fit in? And I look back on that time and I remember feeling that I was cut from a different mold."

She continued, "There was a particular crowd who did accept me. There was a particular crowd who made room for me at their table, who held me up when I felt I couldn't, who loved me for exactly who I was. It was you. And to stand here equal to you tonight."

In other Gaga news, her dad turned into a little monster, himself on Twitter after health inspectors fined and downgraded his Manhattan restaurant.

Joe Germanotta, who owns Joanne Trattoria, took to the social media site last week to vent his frustration with the Bloomberg administration.

The W. 68th St. spot racked up 19 violation points for its June 12 inspection, including "critical" violations for sanitation problems.

"The inspector gave us 7 points for a bad potato in our storage bin," the irate upper West Side restaurateur ranted.

"We had a bad potato in a bin with 40 good potatoes," Germanotta tweeted to his 50,000-plus followers.

Germanotta accused Bloomberg's food safety czar of being "corrupt" and tweeted the name and phone number of an inspector who ruined his day.

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