Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza: Medical Records, School Records, and Online Postings Paint Portrait of a Killer Psyche

Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza showed signs of anxiety, according to his medical records. 

According to the Hartford Courant, Adam Lanza's anxiety symptoms were so intense by his eighth grade year that his mother drove him to an emergency room.

Lanza was asked standard questions about his safety and any intention to harm others before being released.   Lanza has been described as having Asperger's disorder and sensory processing issues. 

Educational records have also come out, showing positive comments from Lanza's teachers.  Lanza was described as as having a "positive attitude," being "fully engaged, respectful" and "eager to succeed."

New information about Adam Lanza's online posting history has also come to light. 

A poster believed to be Adam Lanza made numerous posts on online gun message boards.  He also corrected details on 12 Wikipedia entries about mass shootings around the world. 

Between August 2009 and February 2010, the same user name linked to Lanza made revisions to 12 Wikipedia entries about massacres across the world during the same 2009 to 2010 time frame as the gun website and gaming chat-room posts.

One entry specifies the weapons Kip Kinkel used at the age of 15 to kill his parents before going on a shooting spree at his Oregon high school, where two were killed and 25 were wounded in May 1998.

A revision involving the Sept. 13, 2006, shooting at Dawson College in Montreal, in which one student was killed and 19 others wounded, is very specific about how the Wikipedia article describes the firearm used by the killer.

" '9mm' was listed as '.9mm.' People say that 9mm is anemic, but this is ridiculous," the poster, believed to be Lanza, says to explain his revision.

The poster  revised entries about the October 1991 massacre at Luby's cafeteria in Killeen, Texas.  23 people were killed and 20 more injured and the 1988 massacre at ESL Inc., a high-technology software manufacturing company in Sunnyvale, Calif. The gunman at ESL, Richard Farley, killed seven people and wounded four others.

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