Demi Lovato Struggles To Cope After Dad Dies: Estranged Father's Funeral "Hardest Thing" She's Ever Gone Through, Opens Up About Shared Mental Health Struggles

Demi Lovato is trying to cope with the death of her estranged dad, Patrick Lovato, who died last week of cancer. His funeral was on Saturday, and Lovato said it was "the hardest thing she's ever gone through".

Demi Lovato seems to be graduatlly coming to terms with her father's death. She opened up on Twitter about the loss to fans after the funeral. She revealed,

Demi Lovato, 20, has been estranged from her father since 2007. In her first TV interview, Lovato said she was "coping OK" and said her dad was a "wonderful person", despite their being estranged for several years.

Lovato, 20, said they "didn't have the most ideal relationship... but he is still my dad."

Demi went to rehab two years ago for bulimia and drug and alcohol problems. Lovato revealed that her father also suffered with mental illness and addiction issues.

Lavato announced she is launching a foundation in memory of her father's passing. The Lovato Treatment Scholarship help people with mental illness pay for treatment to honor her father.

Lovato said, "I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I've dealt with mental illnesses, but my father also dealt with mental illness and he was not able to function very well in society."

Demi Lovato's father, Patrick Lovato, passed away of cancer. The two had not spoken for years.

"But, at the end of the day, he's still my dad and I grew up with him and he was a wonderful person," Lovato said.

Demi Lovato sang about her relationship with her dad on the song "For the Love of a Daughter" from her 2011 album, "Unbroken."

Lovato, the X-Factor judge and former Disney star, said in 2009, "The last time I talked to him was two years ago. You try to have faith in somebody, even when you're the last person that believes in him. But when somebody lets you down after you've been the only one there for them, and so many times, you don't know what else to do."

Patrick Lovato battled cancer for years. During a 2011 interview, he said that he was trying to reach out to his daughter. "It is not like I want anything from her, all I want is her love," he said.

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