Twitter, Facebook, Best Way To Connect With K-pop Idols

Today’s society lives and breathes social networks (SNS). They eat social networking for breakfast. It’s the easiest and quickest way to connect with people from all over the world.

Social media networks can be utilized in number of different ways. As of recently Kpop artists have been picking up the social media trend. There are hundreds of SNS out there for individuals to use, the most popular by far are Twitter and Facebook.
Kpop artists have been using SNS to reach out to fans, announce new releases, upload personal photos, send thanks or simply just update fans on their day to day lives.

While the majority of celebrities may make a SNS account, not everyone maintains their page on a regular basis.
The SNS most preferred by artists is definitely Twitter. The easy to set up SNS, appeals to many because there is a 140 character limit on anything posted. Therefore it allows individuals to say what they want in short, brief statements.

Fans tend to like an artist that uses SNS on the regular. For fans, it allows them to be interactive with their favorite K-pop artists. With Twitter there is such a high chance that an artist will follow you or reply to your message, it makes SNS even more entertaining.

According to a report by Twitter Korea, 8 out of 10 twitter users with the most followers in Korea are K-pop idol group members. The most popular K-pop Twitter’er has to be Super Junior’s Choi Siwo, @siwon407. He was the first K-pop artist to surpass the 1 million follower mark.

Social networking account is really a strong tool for K-pop artists trying to reach out to international fans. SM Entertainment who is making a splash in Europe and South America launched their Facebook page which opened June 2011, reached over a million subscribers in half a year.

According to a social media analysis site, Socialbakers, SM Entertainment has more “Like’s” on Facebook than any other Asian music label, they have second most in the world.

SNS is a fun and entertaining tool for K-pop idols and fans to connect from all corners of the world. Make sure you stay connected with your favorite K-pop star! Here are a few links to several K-pop artists’ popular social networking sites.

Wonder Girls
FT Island

Super Junior
Wonder Girls

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