PS4 Vs. Xbox One: Is There Any Hope For The Xbox One? UK Magazine Says Microsoft Has ‘Blown It’ And Was ‘Crushed’ By Sony

Edge Magazine, one of United Kingdom's multiformat specialist consumer publications, is publishing a controversial front-cover story on Thursday that claims Microsoft has no chance of competing against Sony.

The front cover of the magazine features a photo of the PS4 and reads "This is your next console," and continues by saying "How Microsoft blew it."

"Sony crushed Microsoft at E3 2013," the magazine also reads.

But some gamers responding to the magazine cover posted on the Market for Computer and Video Games' site say Edge Magazine's argument isn't solid.

"What a joke. Fanboy journalism at its worst. This magazine is truly an industry joke and "Curse of edge" stands true again...Good luck trying to shove garbage down the throats of your loyal readers. I am personally buying both systems, always have...always will. Both have advantages and disadvantages," writes one gamer.

"They also suggested that Sony had already won the 'next-generation' back in 2006. Just a ploy to get more sales/attention (excellent work by the way) rather than them offering genuine insight," another gamer writes.

But other analysts say Microsoft is also killing its own business by releasing an application for the Xbox 360 that will allow users to watch live television without the need of purchasing the Xbox One.

Microsoft's decision to feature its new application solidifies its statement that it won't abandon the Xbox 360 once the Xbox One is released, but is raising concerns that the old console's ability to stream live television will kill sales for the Xbox One, giving Sony's PS4 an advantage in the next-generation console market.

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