Watch Police Kill Dog On Video In Front Of The Owner Of The Dog: Police Say They Had The Right To Do It [VIDEO]

Police kill dog on video and the footage is now available for the world to see.

The police kill on video in front of its owner Monday and that same owner recorded the killing. Leon Rosby was the owner of the dog and was taking video of the police in Hawthorne, Calif. as they barricaded a house.

Michael Guldin, the attorney for Rosby said in a statement that Rosby plans on suing the Hawthorne Police Department for when the police kill dog on video.

Rosby can then be seen putting his dog, which looks like a Rottweiler, into his car and voluntarily putting his hands behind his back to be arrested because he asked the cops why there were no black cops present, as heard by another person behind Rosby who was filming the police as well. As he was being handcuffed by the officers, the dog started barking and jumped out of the car, as seen in the video. When the dog approaches the police, they shoot the dog and kill it.

"An assisting officer came to aid and attempted to control the Rottweiler, first by gaining control of the leash," the department said in a statement on Facebook. "However, the dog lunged and made aggressive movements towards the officer(s)."

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