Xbox One Reputation System Will Quarantine Abusive Players: 'Good Participants' To Be Grouped Through Matchmaking Management

Microsoft's Xbox One will reportedly feature an updated reputation system which will manage players by separating the "good" players from those who harass and are marked with bad rep.

"There'll be very good things that happen to people that just play their games and are good participants," says Microsoft Senior Product Manager Mike Lavin.

"And you'll start to see some effects if you continue to play bad or harass other people en masse. You'll probably end up starting to play more with other people that are more similar to you."

Which, in truth, is not really a real form of punishment.

Currently, the Xbox 360 has a five-star rating reputation system, but that will be overhauled to the new learning system which can track gaming behavior over time.

Speaking with OXM, Lavin notes that in order to communicate during online gaming, "you need a community of folks that aren't screaming vulgarities every ten seconds, or the grief-ers or the harassers, those types of folks."

"There are industry best practices we've looked at, about giving kudos and props to people who behave well. We've learned from everything we've seen, and we're trying to take it to the next level. So there'll be very good things that happen to people that just play their games and are good participants."

As another comparison, Xbox One's new reputation system will be like achievements.

"Reputation is just like Achievements - you want your Reputation score as high as you can get it. There may even be opportunities where if you participate in some of our community programs, your reputation can even get higher."

What do you think? Is this behavioral supervision too strict or a positive for Microsoft gamers?

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