Amanda Bynes Wants To Be Black? Drake, Kid Cudi, Waka Flocka Obsessed Twitter 'Rapper' Hates Her Former Self

Amanda Bynes may not be much of a surprise anymore with her Twitter tweets about Drake, rap, Waka Flocka, and cosmetic surgery. Perhaps that's because observers are slowly realizing the 27-year-old diva wants to be someone besides who she actually is: a young, Caucasian female who does not come from the hood.

Outside of her Twitter tirades against Drake and Rihanna, Bynes can't seem to stay comfortable with her looks or where she is in life.

And there's also that certain focus on African American men, which was evidenced in quickly deleted tweets about former flames Kid Cudi and New York Giants linebacker Keith Rivers.

"You won't want him or Scott Mescudi. They have herpes and are ugly."

And the "What I Like About You" star doesn't stop there. In another deleted tweet, according to Twitchy, Bynes goes after her mother Lynn, who has been trying to obtain conservatorship over Bynes.

"My Mom Lynn is ugly and old and desperate for my attention! Leave me alone my ugly mom!"

Which is all to say, old Amanda bad, new Amanda good. Or is it?

Despite proclamations of wanting to be a rapper, it's hard to pin down how Bynes thinks she has anything in common with those she prescribes to have the same lifestyle.

But perhaps actress Helen Mirren has the best advice for the troubled starlet.

"Don't be up your own bum. People get up their own [bum], and you really don't need to. It's the thing of the young, and just don't do that," Mirren said during a recent interview with Joelle Garguilo.

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