Amanda Korody Canada Day Bombing Suspect [VIDEO]: "Bright, Intelligent, Creative, Intuitive, Gentle" Says a Friend, Did Amanda Korody's Husband Turn Her to Radical Islam?

Amanda Korody was the least likely person to plan a terrorist attack, according to friends.

Authorities arrested Amanda Korody on Monday for involvement in an alleged plot to do a Canada Day bombing on the steps of the BC legislature.  Korody, who is either 28 or 29, stands accused of plotting with John Nuttall, 38, to turn household pressure cookers into bombs filled with rusted nails, bolts, and washers.  This is the same type of device used in the Boston Marathon bombings.

According to the National Post, Amanda Korody's background was an unlikely start for a terrorist.  She grew up the adopted daughter of a prominent family in St. Catharines, Ontario, with her father the owner of a successful dentist practice.

Watch Amanda Korody Canada Day bomber report here:

Friends who knew Amanda Korody from her childhood in St. Catharines said she was impressionable and could have easily fallen under the sway of Nuttall, her common-law husband.

"The Amanda that I knew and the Amanda that I met in St. Catharines back in 2000, 2001 is a bright, intelligent, creative, intuitive, gentle and kind young woman who had a really vast interest in art and film and culture and music," former friend Jeffrey Rossetto told CBC News.

Rossetto speculated that Amanda Korody may have found in Nuttall someone to fill her desperate need to fit in.

"She expressed about five years ago that she was kind of interested in converting to Islam. But I need to make something clear about that. Before she was doing that she was trying to be in a band," Rossetto said. "And before that, she was trying to be like a fashion model. And before that, she was just basically always trying to find or trying to assume some type of identity that would give her some kind of feeling of a purpose or some kind of a place in the world. "

Being with Nuttall may have created a dangerous combination. Friends of Nuttall said he was becoming more and more disconnected, spending time with people he referred to as his "Muslim brothers." But even Islam brought trouble - reports said Nuttall was kicked out of a Surrey mosque six months ago after a disagreement over interpretation of the Quran.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police said they believe Amanda Korody and John Nuttall were "inspired by al-Qaeda ideology," though it appears they were working without outside help in their plot.

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