Pokemon X And Y Battle Gameplay: Will Battles Take Longer With 3DS Graphics, Camera Upgrade [VIDEO]?

With Pokemon X and Pokemon Y getting a big graphics and features upgrade for its October 12 3DS release, some concerns have been raised about the timing of battles for a franchise that relies on grinding and repetitive training.

As already shown by the trailers, Pokemon X and Y, one of the things Nintendo prides itself in is the upgraded dynamic battle camera.

"No longer stuck behind the back of your monster (with the occasional zoom-in on the opponent getting attacked), it looks like we'll be treated to several different camera angles in Pokémon X and Y," comments IGN contributor Audrey Drake.

"Also notice how much more complex the attacks themselves are. This should make grinding for experience points a lot more interesting to behold."

True, but with such enhancements, games often suffer the inevitable load time and the general need for developers to show off the graphics. Imagine a simple tackle becoming a three second simulation!

One thing Pokemon fans will notice with the battle gameplay footage is that Nintendo and Game Freak have yet to show a complete battle.

The most popular demonstration is the upgraded graphics of the attacks, but we also have a few glimpses of the protagonist trainer entering a random encounter, which seems fairly rapid.

It's also very possible that the time it takes to enter the fully simulated 3D battle phase and exit out of it, have gotten slightly longer.

The graphics upgrades to Pokemon is a definite plus, but when a player is grinding and raising Pokemon with dozens, even hundreds of battles (yes, you've done that, don't lie), a mere seconds added to each battle can add up to a lot more time spent on battle gameplay.

Is this a concern for Pokemon fans? Or do the enhancements far outweigh any possible added time to gameplay?

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