Oscar Pistorius Case Update: Slain Girlfriend’s Parents File Suit Against Blade Runner, ‘We Have No Choice But To Sue’

Amidst Oscar Pistorius’s murder case for allegedly killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steeenkamp, the parents of the slain supermodel is suing the athlete.

In their very first newspaper interview since the supermodel’s Valentine’s Day shooting, Barry and June Steenkamp says that Pistorius must pay, according to The Mail on Sunday.

“Our hearts just feel broken. But we have no choice but to sue. Pistorius has placed us in this position,” says Mrs. Steenkamp, defending the suit that was labeled by critics as a wanting “blood money” from their daughter’s alleged killer.

“I know not everyone understands why we are doing this,” Mrs. Steenkamp said told The Mail On Sunday.

“It makes me feel awkward, a bit guilty and terrible when people say these awful things. It’s shocking and hurts us so much as a family.”

It’s almost half-a-year since Oscar Pistorius, 26, shot his then-girlfriend several times through his locked bathroom door in his exclusive Pretoria, South Africa residence. He claims that he mistook Reeva for a burglar and shot her out of fear.

Since the model’s untimely death, Mr. and Mrs. Steenkamp says that it was her who has been keeping them financially afloat the past several years.

The aging couple cites their ailing health and lack of government welfare program for their financial woes; the matter only compounded by the death of the person who has been supporting them for years.

“On the night she died, when she was on her way to Oscar’s house, we talked about her sending us money to pay our cable television bill. I was fretting because I thought I was going to miss her first TV appearance, Mrs. Steenkamp said.

“She told me not to worry, she would send money the next day. She regularly helped us with food and utility bills.”

The athlete dubbed “blade runner,” has an estimated wealth in the millions. He could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted for Reeva’s murder.

The double-amputee is due to be back in court on August 19,, a day that would have been her former girlfriend’s 30th birthday.

The day of Reeva’s birth and death are two days that the older Steenkamps will never forget.

“I was crying and screaming over the phone,” Mrs. Steenkamp remembered the moment she heard the news and hysterically called her husband, according to Daily News.

"He thought I was telling him the dog was dead," she said. "I think he just couldn't take in what I was trying to tell him. When he came home we went through it together. Since that moment all the joy has gone out of our lives."

The Daily News reported that the couple had four days to soak in the news as it flashed across headline after headline around the world before seeing their daughter’s lifeless body for themselves.

Seeing her daughter’s body dead for the first time, Mrs. Steenkamp described Reeva as “lying on a cold slab, looking waxy and lifeless.”

“It was heart-breaking, the most terrible thing,” she recalled.

"They had put a cap on her head to hide the worst of the bruising where she had been shot, and they had used a lot of make-up. They told me I shouldn't touch her. But I had to kiss her goodbye, I had to."

Now that their daughter is dead and buried, the question that haunts them to this day is, why? Why did Oscar Pistorius shoot their daughter?

Prosecutors plan to charge the South African runner premeditated murder spurred on by jealousy and increasing fights between couple. And the murder trial could begin as early as September or as late as 2014.

Reeva’s mother revealed one incident where she spoke with her daughter while she was with the athlete, fearing for her life.

The supermodel said that her boyfriend was behind the wheel and is scaring her by driving recklessly after a heated argument.

The protective mom told Reeva to “give the phone to Oscar.”

She said that he warned the athlete that if he hurts her daughter in any way, that she would wipe him out.

“I know that sounds aggressive but I was desperate to keep Reeva safe. I couldn't bear to think her life was in danger at his hands,” said Reeva’s mom.

Oscar didn’t say much during that time and only responded by saying, “OK, Mrs. Steenkamp.”

“We don’t know, and we feel need to know, why he would have turned on her,” said the stricken mom of the tragic February shooting.

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