Facebook New Search Bar Features Graph Search Function [VIDEO]; Allows Users to Find People in your Hometown who “Like” the Same Things, Privacy Concerns due to New Search Functionality

Facebook rolled out New Search Bar Features today, called Facebook Graph Search Function. 

The Facebook New Search Bar Feature Graph Search tool allows users to do advanced types of searches - such as "Restaurants in San Francisco my friends like" or "photos of my friends before 2001" -- and get detailed results.

It will be a few weeks before every user who uses Facebook with the "US English" setting has the Facebook New Search Bar Feature Graph Search; however, several hundreds of millions of people will get it this week, according to ABCNews.  After more than six months of user testing and feedback, Facebook says it believes the product is ready.

Watch Facebook New Search Bar Feature Graph Search tool Tutorial here:

According to a blog post on Facebook, "Over the past few months, tens of millions of people have helped improve the product just by using it and giving feedback".

Improvements include the speed of search to accuracy. Now, when you type in a search it will suggest more relevant potential searches. In addition, the company says it better understands what people are searching for and will display the most relevant results first.

The tool can search for people, photos, places and things your friends "like." It is working on making posts or status updates and comments searchable. Facebook's goal is not to replace Google, though.

According to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, "Graph Search isn't Web search. We aren't duplicating what Bing does and what Google does, but rather we are making things easier for people to find on Facebook"

However, making all of Facebook more easily searchable does have privacy issues. While your information is only searchable and visible to those whom you have shared it with in the first place, the Facebook new search bar feature graph search tool does make it much easier for your information to be found by those you have shared it with. As such, Facebook will remind all users about how they can control privacy settings.

Tom Stocky, a lead Facebook New Search Bar Graph Search tool engineer, said: "[Privacy] is something, of course, we care a lot about, and so from the very beginning we made it so that you can only search for the things that you can already see on Facebook."

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