Kim Kardashian Kanye West Cheating Scandal Dies and North West Born: Kimye Plan To Wed in Egypt?

After the birth of North West last month and the Kanye West cheating scandal fades away, Kimye are allegedly planning a destination wedding in Egypt, Indo Asian News Service (IANS) reports.

According to a close source, Kim wants something that is a far cry from her last wedding and she is taking pointers from some celebrity friends.

"This time she wants something different and exotic," said the source to "She likes how Katy Perry and Russell Brand got married in India with an Indian-themed wedding. She wants that."

Plus, the friend divulges that the new mom a reality star socialite believes she is the exact replica of an certain Egyptian goddess.

"Kim thinks she's the spitting image of Egyptian goddess Isis, so she has been talking about doing an Egyptian-themed wedding, at the pyramids," the source said.

Take a look at the Egyptian goddess Isis below. Does Kim Kardashian have a certain resemblance?

By the way, this happens to be the same Eygptian goddess Rihanna has tattooed underneath her breast.

Supposedly Kanye likes the Egyptian-themed wedding idea too.

"It will cost millions to fly everyone to Egypt, but money is no object," said the source.

The source also gave away how Kanye proposed to Kim during play time with baby North West.

"Kim and Kanye were talking to the baby when in mid-sentence he asked Kim to marry him. She started to cry and mouthed the word, 'Yes'."

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