Sodus Boat Crash Following 4th of July Celebration: Teenager Arrested; Passenger Thrown Out From Vessel During Crash

A Sodus boat crash incident, involving 4 teens, happened following the fireworks display celebration for America's Independence Day.

Tyler, Ocwieja, 19 years old, from Webster, New York was driving the boat while drunk as it crashed into the break wall at Sodus Bay. Christian Post reported, citing CNN that, the teen responsible for the Sodus boat crash, was operating the vessel after the fireworks celebration for the Independence Day "when he slammed the boat into a concrete breakwall, injuring several of his friends who were on board with him."

The three other teens involved in the Sodus boat crash were Liam Wheatley from Penfield (18 y.o.), Michael Dodge (Webster, 19 y.o.) and Nicholas Pizzicuto (Penfield, 19 y.o). Wheatley was thrown out of the vessel, over the concrete break wall and into the water during the Sodus boat crash. He acquired an ankle injury and was taken to Strong Memorial Hospital for treatment and then got released.

Dodge, Pizzicuto and the boat driver, Ocwieja, suffered only from minor lacerations, deputies from the Wayne County stated.

Various cases were charged against the teen who was responsible for the Sodus boat crash. For one, he is charged with boating while under the influence of alcohol.19-year-old Ocwieja also refused to submit a preliminary breath test.

Other cases he got were reckless operation of a vessel, second-degree reckless endangerment, and operating more than 5mph within a hundred feet shore. He received arraignment from Huron Town Court but was also released.

Ocwieja will have to answer the charges against him at a later date in Sodus Town Court. 

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