Pokemon X And Y Special Edition 3DS XL: Is It Worth The Price?

While Pokemon fans are more than excited for the upcoming Pokemon X and Pokemon Y release for the 3DS October 12, Nintendo will also release special, limited edition 3DS XL consoles to go along with the worldwide Game Freak release.

But how much more are the X and Y 3DS XL, and is it worth the price?

Two editions will be released in Japan as of now, a Xerneas and Yveltal Blue 3DS XL and the Premium Gold version. According to Anime News Network, they are being sold exclusively at Pokemon Centers in Japan.

One thing to point out is that rather than simply having Xerneas and Yveltal, both special, limited editions have the three starter Pokemon on the designs as well. With five Pokemon from X and Y included in the designs, it is definitely worthy of every hardcore Pokemon fan out there.

The X and Y special, limited edition 3DS XLs come with a touch stylus, a 4GB SDHC memory card with either Pokemon X or Pokemon Y preloaded, six AR cards, a startup guide, a manual, and warranty information.

Altogether, the pricing comes to 22,800 yen, which is equal to about US $228.

Since Pokemon fans are getting Pokemon X or Y with the console upon this purchase, it is good to note that the games will be selling alone for $39.99.

Currently, 3DS XL systems sell at around $200 in retail stores, if not more. There is even a limited Pikachu edition that sells for over $300! In other words, to get a 3DS XL and the game separately, it would cost at least $240.

So for any Pokemon fans wondering if the limited, special edition 3DS XL systems are worth looking into, it is a definite yes. The pricing is not escalated simply because of the designs.

It is currently unclear if the Pokemon X and Y 3DS XL systems will be released worldwide like the games, but if they are, be sure to grab one if you don't have a 3DS XL already!

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