Oscar Pistorius Case Update: Blade Runner Labeled ‘Steenkamp Killer’ To Appear On TV Show Performing Tricks, Has South Africa Forgiven Him?

Double-amputee Olympian Oscar Pistorius has a case pending in South African courts for murdering his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp last February 14. The deed has devastated his career and prompted a op-ed writer to call him the “Steenkamp killer”

Despite it though, the athlete known as Blade Runner is appearing on a TV show to perform magic tricks for British conjurer Dynamo’s tour around South Africa. Is this a sign that the country has forgiven and forgotten the murder committed by their fallen hero?

In an exclusive report by The Sun, it noted that Oscar Pistorius will be taking part in a magic stunt for the new series of Magician Impossible. He filmed the appearance last November – a mere three months after the Valentine’s Day incident that shocked the world.

According to a source by the U.K. newspaper, top-honchos at TV network Watch had considered removing the stunt but have decided to go ahead with the telecast barring any new developments in the case.

One source refuted the argument that Oscar Pistorius’s stunt in the program is disrespectful to Reeva Steenkamp’s parents. Speaking with The Sun, the source said that Oscar’s segment would be presented as part of Dynamo’s journey through South Africa.

“It is just a short clip of Oscar doing a magic stunt with Dynamo and is a small part of the overall show,” said the source.

“The episode it is due to feature in hasn’t been finished yet and bosses did consider whether it should be cut. But they have decided it will stay, barring any major new evidence that comes to light in Oscar’s case.”

“But they are continuing to monitor the situation to see if anything happens that would cause them to take it out.”

Oscar Pistorius has consistently denied the charges that he murdered his girlfriend. He claims that he mistook the supermodel for a burglar and out of fear fired shots at the bathroom door with Reeva inside.

The Paralympian who made history at the Olympics last year is due in court at the 19th of August. It would be the same day Reeva would have turned 30 if she was alive.

Details on his appearance on Magician Impossible are still under wraps, although it is expected that they will air the episode featuring Oscar on July 25.

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