Saddam Hussein's Half Brother Dies At 66 From Cancer While Awaiting Execution For 'Murder And Crimes Against The Iraqi People'

Saddam Hussein's half-brother dies from cancer on Monday in a Baghdad hospital before facing his execution.

Sabawi Ibrahim al-Hassan, Saddam Hussein's half-brother dies, but was captured in 2005 and sentenced to death for "murder and crimes against the Iraqi people. He's been in prison until his cancer worsened, justice ministry spokesman Wissam al-Fraiji told Fox News.

Saddam Hussein's half-brother dies on Monday, joining his brothers, whom also died after being captured. Al Hussein was captured in Syria, deported back to Iraq and sentenced to death by hanging in 2009.

Al Hussein served under Saddam as Iraq's head of intelligence and security during the 1991 Persian Gulf War and continued to run the security service until 1996, when he took the presidential adviser post, the justice ministry said.

Al Hussein was accused of directing and financing insurgency operations from Syria and, at one point in 2005, was ranked No. 36 on the U.S. list of 55 most-wanted Iraqis, according to News Max.

Saddam Hussein was captured in 2003 and found guilty of 148 Iraqi Shiites. He was executed in December 2006.  Saddam was the president of Iraq in 1979 until 2003 when he was abolished as president.

"Dear faithful people, I say goodbye to you, but I will be with the merciful God who helps those who take refuge in him and who will never disappoint any faithful, honest believer ... God is Great ... God is great ... Long live our nation ... Long live our great struggling people ... Long live Iraq, long live Iraq ... Long live Palestine ... Long live jihad and the mujahedeen. Saddam Hussein President and Commander in Chief of the Iraqi Mujahed Armed Forces," the ending of a letter written by Saddam Hussein that his lawyers published before his execution in 2006.

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