Chris Pratt [PHOTO]So Sexy In Instagram Photo; Inside Anna Faris Husband Grueling Workout For Guardians Of The Galaxy[VIDEO]

Chris Pratt Instagram photo is looking sexy and toned for his new movie role in Guardians of the Galaxy. Pratt who is best known for his hysterical role in Parks And Rec, is putting aside his comedy for a serious character in the action movie where he'll play the leading role of Star Lord.

Chris, who is married to Anna Faris is working really hard at the gym for Guardians of the Galaxy. He plays a half-human, half-alien leader of a bio engineered team of space heroes. Hmm...

 So what's Pratt's workout secret?

"I worked out really hard and I cut out everything bad for me for a long time and I just focused on trying to become a believable Navy SEAL. I had about five to six months and I really busted my ass to get in shape," Pratt explained his workout regime for Zero Dark Thirty.

But this time around Pratt has been asked to ease up on the weight training in order to get a leaner frame for Guardians of the Galaxy.

"His training is intense," a source told US Weekly. "They liked his body in Zero Dark Thirty but they want this character to be lean - very lean - so he's eating a lot less and doing 'two-a-days' as they call them, workout-wise."

But how will Chris be able to play his lovable character on Parks and Recs looking so buff?

"You CANNOT return to Pawnee like that!" his co-star Rob Lowe joked to him on Twitter responding to the revealing photo.

Hopefully he won't be filming his sitcom for a while because his body is rockin! Anna Faris must be a very happy girl right now.


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