Nokia Lumia 1020 Release Date Announced July 11? Camera And Phone Developer Will Hold All Day Event Rumored To Publicize Retail Date And New Phone

The release date of the Nokia Lumia 1020 might be announced on July 11, rumors speculate, as the camera and phone developer will hold an all day event announcing updates.

"Zoom. Reinvented," the invitation for the event, depicting a magnifying glass, reads. "See more from Nokia," Tech Radar reports.

"Other than a time - 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET - few firm details are discernible from the black and yellow note," Tech Radar also reports.

The website also mentions that it is likely Nokia will also announce a new high-end camera phone to come into focus.

Several reports have mentioned that the Lumia 1020 will contain a 41 MP camera similar to the Nokia 808 Pureview. It is also speculated that the phone will allow users to adjust the resolution of images.

Another likely feature of the Lumia 1020 will be its ability to snap 5MP and 32 MP shots simultaneously: the former for immediate sharing and the latter for printing and saving, PC World reports.

Perhaps one of the most popularly-discussed specs of the Lumia 1020 will be its capability of shooting high-resolution photos in low light situations using a strong flash.

Although an official release date for the Lumia 1020 has not been announced, several tech analysts speculate an official date for when the phone will be sold in stores will be publicized on July 11, during Nokia's all day event. 

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