Pat Robertson Now Calls for Revolt On ObamaCare; Also Wants Facebook 'Vomit' Button For Gay Posts, Announced Males Have a Tendency to Cheat

Televangelist Pat Robertson is back in the news again, after telling his audience about Facebook vomit buttons for gay posts and cheating men are normal, he's now urging viewers Wednesday to revolt against Obamacare.

"You know, they revolted in Egypt against the oppressive actions of the Muslim Brotherhood," Robertson said on his show "700 Club" before turning to talk about the Affordable Care Act, according to Raw Story. "This example of state socialism is something that Americans should rise up against."

"They snuck that thing by us," Robertson said of Obamacare, which he later called "twenty-six, 2700 pages of gobbledygook."
Robertson's criticism of President Barack Obama and his policies is nothing new. In December 2012, Robertson accused Obama of being a "socialist" who wants to "destroy" America.

Pat Robertson thinks the implementation of Obamacare is good reason for Americans to take to the streets in a bloody revolution, comparing the impending health care changes to the overthrow of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.

On a broadcast of The 700 Club on Wednesday, the outspoken televangelist said he believes the Affordable Care Act is being forced on Americans and will cause ruin in society. He tried to incite viewers to rise up and revolt against the legislation.

"You know, they revolted in Egypt against the oppressive actions of the Muslim Brotherhood," Pat Robertson said. "This example of state socialism is something that Americans should rise up against."

Obamacare has already withstood two Supreme Court challenges and a host of amendments by Republicans to repeal all or part of it. Still, Robertson said the legislation "snuck by us," and that it was nothing more than a partisan initiative.

Robertson chose a particularly violent example for his comparison. The uprising in Egypt against Morsi has led to many clashes between different supporters, and reportedly caused the deaths of at least 51 people on Monday alone.

The remarks come just two days after Pat Robertson sparked more controversy on The 700 Club. When a viewer called to ask how to deal with photos of same-sex couples shared via social media, Robertson said the idea disgusted him.

"You've got a couple of same-sex guys kissing, do you like that? Well that makes me want to throw up ... To me I would punch 'Vomit' not 'Like' ... But they don't give you that option on Facebook."

On the program, Robertson also offered his interpretation of the Bible's words on homosexuality:

"it's an abomination for a man to lie with a man as with a woman. That's what is says ... And those who do that in the Old Testament were stoned to death."

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