Selena Gomez Justin Bieber Back Together If Justin Puts Himself in Her Hands and Stops Acting Like a `Baby’; Pop Idol Makes Amends With President Clinton (Video)

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber can get back together, Selena says, if Justin will calm down and grow up a little bit. For Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to get back together Justin has to stop getting high and peeing in mop buckets. Justin can listen to Selena, or his new BFF, Bill Clinton, who bonded with the young singer after he called to apologize.

Justin Bieber is back with Selena Gomez, but she’s laying down the law. Selena says Justin has got to stop acting like a self-entitled asshole. Selena Gomez said “Come and Get It” to the young pop idol if he lets her calm down and act like a person.

Justin Bieber apologized to Bill Clinton after he cursed the former president while peeing in a mop bucket in a fast food joint in a video that TMZ showed on Wednesday. Justin said “fuck Bill Clinton” while he squirted a spary bottle with blue liquid on a picture of Ex-President Clinton in a restaurant. Extra reported that the young singer regretted disrespecting the former president. Extra reported that they had a "great conversation" and that Clinton accepted the apology. E! reported that Clinton said something like "If that is the worst thing you have ever done, all is well," before getting Bieber to promise his assistance to the Clinton Foundation.

Bieber took to Twitter to apologize to Clinton, tweeting, "@billclinton thanks for taking the time to talk Mr. President. Your words meant alot. #greatguy."

But Bieber has apologized before. Sources say Selena is a calming and positive influence on the spoiled star. Insiders say that if anyone can save Justin, it is Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez’s friends have told media outlets that the “Naturally” singer was resisting getting back together with Justin after their latest breakup because he’s been off the hook since they split. Selena Gomez is tired of reports that Justin Bieber is smoking weed, driving recklessly and ruining her favorite fast-food places. On July 4, Justin rescinded his independence and promised Selena that he would clean up his act and Selena “Believed” him.

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