PS4 Vs. Xbox One Pre-Orders: Shooter Games Better On Sony Console? ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Has 20 Percent More Pre-Order Customers For Playstation 4 Than Xbox One

The latest listing update from VG Chartz stated approximately 20 percent more customers are pre-ordering "Call of Duty: Ghosts" for the Playstation 4 than the Xbox One, Examiner reports.

The tracking system from the video game sales website listed the PS4 version with 41,627 pre-order copies while the Xbox One managed to get 34,741 reservations, Examiner also reports.

"Call of Duty: Ghosts," which is expected to be one of the most popular games for next-generation consoles this year, has been one of the most sought out games on Amazon's website.

But pre-orders aren't the only concerns on the minds of Microsoft developers.

Recent reports of gameplay comparisons between both consoles reveals the Playstation 4 records 15 minutes of gameplay continuously, which you can use to edit and share online, while the Xbox One records only five minutes of gameplay.

 Sony's next-generation console might have an advantage over its competitor since gameplay sharing services are growing in popularity among many gamers.

A Sony representative released the information during an interview with CVG, according to the International Business Times.

And IGN surveyed 30,000 of its readers, revealing that 43 percent said they weren't planning on buying Microsoft's Xbox One.

Thirty-nine percent said they plan to purchase the console within the next year, and 18 percent said their purchase will depend on additional game announcements, Design & Trend reports.

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