Grand Theft Auto 5 Release Date: PC Version Announced January 11? Report Shows Developer Takes 821 Days To Announce Computer Versions

Assuming Rockstar Games, the developer of Grand Theft Auto 5, is going take as long as they did for GTA 4 to announce a PC version, gamers will be hearing about a PC release date around January 11, 2014, PC Gamer reports.

The approximate amount of time it took to announce a PC version for the last Grand Theft Auto was 821 days, PC Gamer also reports.

But gamers waiting for the release date of Grand Theft Auto 5 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 are buzzing after it was revealed the game will be in stores October 10 in Japan and will introduce the usage of dogs with the main characters.

"The game will be releasing in Japan on October 10, showing Rockstar's commitment to giving the game an international push," writes

"Your dog's name in the game will be Chop and you'll be able to customize him, with the ability to change his collar, other accessories and more. You might even end up losing your dog, if you don't keep an watch over him."

Many say Grand Theft Auto 5's release date will have an effect on the PS4 and Xbox One own releases.

But Pachter, an electronics analyst for Wedbush Securities, does not agree with the idea that Grand Theft Auto 5 could negatively impact the initial performance of next-generation platforms, according to Examiner.

There is no word yet on an official release date for the PC version.

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