Kan Mi Yeon's hand made chocolate grabbing attention of the fans

Kan Mi Yeon made a bunch of hand-made chocolate for her fans.

On February 1st she posted on her me2day "Kan Mi Yeon's best friend~ 100th episode special event! I made hand made chocolate for CHIN CHIN family" along with a photo of the chocolate.

Kan Mi Yeon added "it's really small compared to the love that I received but thank you for always loving, thank you! I want to spend the next 1000days, 10000days with you! I love you".

Kan Mi Yeon is currently DJing for the radio program 'Kan Mi Yeon's best friend'.

Netizens who saw the photo commented "I want it too", "so pretty", "I listen to the radio everyday", "so pretty, even your naked face", and etc...

Photo Credit: Kan Mi Yeon me2day

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