Tim Allen Paula Deen Saying N Word! [VIDEO REPORT] Comedian Says 'Not Saying N Word Takes Away Your Power' Stands Up For Food Network Star For Being Fired


Tim Allen stands up for Paula Deen in an interview with the New York Times saying that he is tired of saying 'the n word' instead of saying 'nigger.' Allen and Paula Deen have both gotten a lot of heat for saying 'nigger' and in Tim's interview he says the word multiple times while describing how he feels about the word.

Paula Deen has gotten backlash for using the n word years ago in court. Deen was even fired from The Food Network and her many endorsement deals for using the racial slur. But Tim Allen thinks that using the word is a double standars and stands up for Paula Deen.

Eric Deggins, the Times reporter who interviewed Allen, explained:

For him, the criticism that keeps any nonblack comic from using the word is a step backward from the days when [Richard] Pryor and [Lenny] Bruce were breaking comedy boundaries by purposefully using street language in ways middle-of-the-road comics wouldn't dare.

"If I have no intent, if I show no intent, if I clearly am not a racist," Allen argued, "then how can 'n*****' be bad coming out of my mouth?"

Allen explained how he thought using the word is a double standard:

I do a movie with Martin Lawrence and pretty soon they're referring to me, 'hey, my n*****'s up.' So I'm the n***** if I'm around you guys but 7 feet away, if I said n*****, it's not right. It's very confusing to the European mind how that works, especially if I've either grown up or evolved or whatever, it literally was growing up in Colorado, with Hispanics and Anglos, that's all I remember.

Dyson continued saying:

Look, y'all invented the n-word. We didn't invent it. We just co-opted it. We hijacked it. We did a carjacking on that word a few decades ago, and now you're mad because we've made more sexy use of it-some denigration as well. And now you want back in? No, you can't have back in.

[...] He says it's confusing to me. It ain't confusing! Here's a general rule of thumb to follow when using the n-word for white people. Never. When you do that, then you understand you can't do it."

Dyson summed up his argument by reflecting that, "[a]s Chris Rock said, white people control the whole world but they feel if they can't use the n-word, somehow their power has been removed?

"No! Grow up, allow us to determine what is in and out."

Do you think it is a double standard that black people can say nigger but white people can't?  

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