"Fifty Shades of Gray" Effect: More People Stuck In Handcuffs, Toilets, Vacuum Cleaners; Increased Calls To Fire Brigade

"Fifty Shades Of Gray" may be responsible for a growing number of London residents getting stuck in handcuffs.

A new report says that increasing numbers of Londoners have gotten stuck in handcuffs, toilets, and other everyday household items. The London Fire Brigade published the report today.

The "50 Shades of Gray" effect report says that since 2010, authorities have had to free people in over 1,300 incidents, at a cost to taxpayers of £377,000 (nearly $580,000).

And, they say, people may be getting' kinky more because of the popularity of books like Fifty Shades of Gray, bestselling erotic novel by author E.L. James.

"I don't know whether it's the Fifty Shades effect, but the number of incidents involving items like handcuffs seems to have gone up," Third Officer, Dave Brown, said in a press release. And, he joked, "I'm sure most people will be Fifty Shades of red by the time our crews arrive to free them."

Yes, the arrival of real police with real handcuffs might turn sexytimes rapidly less fun.

On, there's also a man who got a certain, um, part stuck in a vacuum cleaner, and another who got his stuck in a toaster.

A toaster is nothing if not creative, at least.

The fire department noted on Twitter that,

And, "Christian Gray" joked,

The London Fire Brigade also released a highly entertaining list of all the shenanigans they've had to free people from.

  •  A man with his penis stuck in a toaster
  •  A man with his arm stuck in a portapotty/portaloo
  •  A child with its hand trapped in a sweet machine
  •  A child with its head trapped in an ironing board
  •  An adult stuck in a child's toy car
  •  A child with its head stuck in a massage chair
  •  A child with its foot stuck in a brass vase
  •  Someone with a test tube stuck on their finger
  •  A child with a tambourine stuck on its head
  •  A man with a sewing machine needle stuck in his finger

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