Jennifer Aniston's Stripper Diet For "We're The Millers" Went Too Far?: "A Little Too Fit", Knee Injury, "A Kale Chip" For Treat

Jennifer Aniston had a grueling stripper diet for "We're the Millers" that may have gone too far.

For the role, Jennifer had to get her body in shape to play a stripper. Jennifer has to have knee surgery again and didn't like how her body felt, she said.

"I was in the kind of shape I don't enjoy being in because it feels a little too fit," she said.

"A little too fit" may really mean "pushing it too hard" in Hollywood-speak, unfortunately.

And about the photoshoot for "We're The Millers" "I did eat that day," she said.

Umm...actually, eating within a 24-hour period isn't unusual....or even something to be commented on. It sounds like an excuse for something that doesn't need to be excused-or a lie.

In fact, it sounds like pretty eating disordered thinking.

"I did eat that day. I was on a very like, you know, greens and vegetables and lean proteins and kale," Aniston said.

That also sounds like an eating disorder.

Yummy. Don't worry, though, it wasn't all kale. Sometimes, it was even kale chips. A single, solitary kale chip.

"When I really wanted to have a cheat day. I had to have a kale chip," the Aniston said.


Oh, and her training regiment injured her knee.

It wasn't easy because I'd just had knee surgery a month and a half before. It was a little bit tedious. And then also just getting trained physically - I was really in shape then. I was in the kind of shape I don't enjoy being in because it feels a little too fit,"" says Aniston.

She injured her joint again, unfortunately.

"I'm trying really hard to rehabilitate my knee. I have to have (the surgery) done again in about a month. I have a hole in a tendon that's leaking fluid. Is that pleasant? It hurts. It feels creepy. But let's not talk about that," she says.

During the interview, the actress swallowed vitamins.

"I'm on this whole program of supplements. Who isn't? It's good," she said.

Are you sure it's good, Jennifer?

Oh, and not everybody takes supplements.

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