Monica Lewinsky Sex Tape [VIDEO]: Role Play Orders For Commander In Chief Bill Clinton; "I Could Take My Clothes Off"; Scandal Caused Impeachment, Standstill in American Government

New Monica Lewinsky Sex Tape Video: Monica Lewinsky was the white house intern that got President Bill Clinton in trouble with a sex scandal.  President Bill Clinton obfuscated about his affair with Monica Lewinsky and was taken to task by Congress.  The incident resulted in the impeachment of Bill Clinton but since the Senate did not vote to convict, he remained as president.

The supposed new Monica Lewinsky Sex Tape Video is a set of instructions from Monica Lewinsky.  Tabloid magazine The National Enquirer reports that they have obtained the video, and reported on the sex video's contents, which was thought to have been destroyed.

The video stars Monica Lewinsky only.  Monica Lewinsky says: "I could take my clothes off and start...well...I know you wouldn't enjoy that? I hope to see you later and I hope you will follow my script and do what I want."

"Since I know you will be alone tomorrow evening, I have two proposals for you, neither of which is you not seeing me."

"Now the first thing that has to happen is that you need to pre-plan with Betty [Curie, the presidential secretary] that you will leave the office at, I don't know, at 7, 7:30 so that everyone else who hates me, that causes me lots of trouble goes home. Then you quickly sneak back and then in the meantime I quickly sneak over and then we can have a nice little visit for, you know, 15 minutes or half-an-hour. Whatever you want...Maybe we could go over and watch a movie together and just have kind of, I don't know, boxed dinners or something like that."

"And then that way we don't have to deal with the problem of me...of there being a record of me going upstairs and we can spend some time together and see a good movie. So I don't know, those are two proposals and you can't refuse me because I'm too cute and adorable and soon I won't be here anymore to pop over. I'm hoping you will hear this, and you will choose which one you want to do, and go tell Betty, and then she can call me and let me know, so I don't have to stress out all day and I don't have to call her every two hours and bug her because, I know you will find this very hard to believe, but I can be a pain in the ass sometimes. I'm very persistent, but um...I really want to see you."

Watch Monica Lewinsky Video Here:

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