Suri Cruise Paparazzi Photos [VIDEO]; Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Daughter Subjected To Photos; What Is the Line For Celebrity Children?

Suri Cruise, the daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, has grown up with a lot of public attention.  Suri Cruise baby photos were on the cover of magazines.  Since a young age, she has been photographed by paparazzi.

The photographs and video capture Suri Cruise sometimes appearing happy, sometimes appearing grumpy, and sometimes having a tantrum as kids naturally do.  Sometimes the photos show mother Katie Holmes carrying Suri.  Recently Suri Cruise was spotted escorting her mom Katie Holmes out of New York City furniture store favorite ABC Carpet and Home.

Suri Cruise has been called a bitch by a paparazzi just for asking him to "stop it".   She was called a brat by an autograph seeker.  A video on Youtube channel StarFeine depicts Suri Cruise trying to cover her face with a stuffed animal as she is walked through a crowd of paparazzi taking photos.  She appears to be frightened and resists going near the cameras as mother Katie Holmes escorts her.

Suri Cruise is known for her fashionable style.  Many photos show her in dresses and fancy shoes despite her young age.  It was reported that Katie Holmes wanted Suri not to dress in designer clothes once Katie divorced Tom Cruise. 

After the Tom Cruise Katie Holmes divorce, Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise moved to New York City.

Fellow celebrity Sandra Bullock talked about her own experiences dealing with the paparazzi and her son: "We're adults, and we're fair game -- not that I like being photographed going in and out of school in my sweatpants. But I instinctively throw things over Louis's head. He doesn't like [the paparazzi]. He gives them the stink-eye, and they're like, 'That's such an angry kid,' but I look at them and say, 'Only when you guys are around.'"

Halle Berry described what paparazzi photos are like for her daughter, Nahla: "My daughter doesn't want to go to school because she knows 'the men' are watching for her.  I have to yell 'She's a child. Leave my child alone. Leave my child alone.' We get into the car, and my daughter is now sobbing, and she says to me, 'Are they going to kill us? Are they going to kill us?'"

Watch Suri Cruise paparazzi video here:

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