Justin Bieber Fights To Get Into NYC Club But Underage 'Baby' Singer Gets Rejected

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As Justin Bieber tried to fight his way into a New York nightclub earlier this week, he learned that all the money and fame in the world can't change the fact the he is barely legal.

Griffin Nightclub in NYC had every reason to turn down 19-year-old Bieber from entering their facility on Monday night. Since it is a place that only serves alcohol to people who are 21 and up (like most clubs should do), they could've ran the risk of losing their liquor license if they gave the "Boyfriend" singer a pass.

Bieber and his entourage thought they could persuade the bouncers with the old mighty dollar, but, according to TMZ, security wasn't having it.

Although this could be added as an addition to Bieber's misfortune, his luck soon turned around as a nearby club by the name of Catch made way for the underage entertainer and his crew with absolutely no issue. So being a celebrity just might have some perks within Manhattan's Meatpacking District.

Besides getting Catch club approval, the teen sensations legal woes are also becoming nonexistent.

Yahoo! News reported that the charges for the hit and run incident that happened about a month ago in West Hollywood were dismissed.

While he was leaving the club in his Ferrari with his boy Lil Twist, a photographer alleged his foot was caught between Bieber's convertible and another car when the singer drove off.

Even though the LAPD cleared Jus, the District Attorney took another opportunity to investigate the situation.

As a result, yesterday the judge ruled in the popstar's favor because “insufficient evidence to prove that Bieber knowingly left the scene of a collision in which someone was injured.”

With that altercation swept under the rug, Bieber has another situation weighing over his head. Last week he was captured spitting on his very own fans from his hotel balcony window.

What will Justin get into next week?

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Justin Bieber
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