Amanda Seyfried's Dog Balances Burger On His Head: Watch VIDEO Of Talented Pooch

Amanda Seyfried's dog, Finn, is an Australian shepherd...and may be the smartest dog ever.

Amanda Seyfried appeared on The Late Show With David Letterman...but the dog stole the stage. Amanda's pooch can balance a burger on his head!

The pooch is talented, indeed. When Dave asked if Finn had any talents, Amanda said, He balances things on his head," before performing a trick with the dog.

Letterman was a bit disbelieving, asking Amanda what her dog could balance on his head.

Oh, pretty much anything. At all.

"I requested a hamburger be available," Amanda said.

Letterman was incredulous, saying "A dog with raw or cooked meat on its head is going to go nuts and not sit with it on its head," he said.

Nope. Wrong. The shepherd balanced the burger on his head and stared at Amanda, who gave him a little pep talk, saying "Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Look at me, keep doing it!" and other encouraging words.

The audience cheered loudly, drowning out Amanda's voice-and breaking the trance. Finn let the burger slide from his head and gobbled it down.

Amanda said "You clapped!" to the audience, and Letterman chuckled.

Oh, and Finn's proficient at social media. "In fact, he has his own Twitter account," she said.

That's talent, indeed. How does he update it?

Watch video of the adorable pooch (and his famous owner) below.

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