Game Of Thrones Writer George R.R. Martin Pens New Novella As TV Show Prays For New Material: HBO Says 'Get Busy Writing,' But Is It Working?

As "Game of Thrones" continues filming for season 4, writer George R.R. Martin is releasing a new novella in an anthology titled "Dangerous Women" by Tor Books, all the while keeping HBO wondering when he will provide new material for the hit series.

"In 'The Princess and The Queen, or, The Blacks and The Greens,' George R.R. Martin gives us a Westerosi history lesson on the Targaryen Civil War," says the official Tor website.

So, despite being a new 35,000-world novella within the "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe, the story takes place 200 years before the events of "Game of Thrones," meaning that it is essentially irrelevant as material for the HBO series.

Still, so far, reactions to the excerpts previewed on the Tor website have many positive responses from fans.

But how does HBO feel about George R.R. Martin's writing excursions that are not the next "Game of Thrones" novel?

As reported by Entertainment Weekly, HBO programming president Michael Lombardo has a clear message to Martin: "Get busy writing."

But obviously, with "Game of Thrones" season 4 close to finishing up the third book of the five already published, he is not referring to the novella.

During the San Diego Comic-Con, George R.R. Martin admits to feeling pressured to finish the next book before "Game of Thrones" runs out of plot.

"The locomotive is coming up behind me and I'm still laying the tracks."

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