U.S. Embassies Closed Sunday Throughout Middle East Due To Al-Quaeda Threats, May Remain Closed Indefinitely In Seven Countries

U.S. Embassies closed throughout the Middle East Sunday. The terror that resulted in the planned closure of the embassies  is thought to have come to Al Quaeda, breaking news indicates.

U.S. Rep. Ed Royce, R-California, just told press at CNN that, "It's my understanding that it is al Qaeda linked, airtight, and the threat emanates in the Middle East and in Central Asia."

It was earlier announced that Egypt, Israel, and other key Middle East nations will close their U.S. Embassies on Sunday. All embassies will be evacuated and closed, and may remain closed indefinetley.

The decision was made after a threat that was "credible and serious", but officials would not comment further on the action.

It was "directed at American targets overseas," but may not be confined to main diplomatic facilities, the official said.

Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq and Kuwait facilities will also be closed, in addition to Israel and Egypt.

In these countries, the work week begins on Sunday, but instead, they will be closed, and may remain closed after that. (The weekend is generally Fridays and Saturdays in Islamic countries.)

The Obama administration monitoring threats against the embassy in Yemen. It may also be closed, but this has not been confirmed.

President Barack Obama met with Yemen President Abdo Rabu Mansour Hadi at the White House on Thursday. Yemen has been increasingly strict with al Qaeda.

Earlier, a U.S. official told press that the closures were about "more than the usual chatter," but also refused to comment.

The timing may be part of the threat. The end of Ramadan is approaching and will coincide with the one-year anniversary of the terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. The attack killed four Americans.

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