Jamie Lee Curtis In Serious Car Accident, Rescued By Jodie Foster: All That Yogurt Meant No Broken Bones?

Jamie Lee Curtis got in a car accident on Thursday that was serious in a heavily-trafficed area of Los Angeles.

She was taken to a hospital via ambulance...after Jodie Foster rescued the star.

Yes, really. Jamie called Jodie Foster and she came to the scene right away-like something out of a movie.

The accident occurred in a busy section of Venice, CA. Jamie was a passenger in a black Yukon SUV. It crashed into a BMW. Sounds about right, Los Angeles.

Two people were both taken to the ER in separate ambulances. The other person involved had very serious injuries and is still in the hospital. Thankfully, Jamie Lee Curtis' injuries were moderate and she is home resting.

Hopefully, she's eating lots of Activia to make sure her bones are strong.

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