Backpacks And Pressure Cookers Woman Trends As Long Island Home Invaded, Questioned As Possible Terrorist: Michelle Catalano Makes Joke Of It

Backpacks and pressure cookers woman is trending after six men from a joint terrorism task forced showed up on Michelle Catalano's front door Wednesday after suspicious searches were conducted from her home computer.

In what turned out to be a coincidence in searches of her computer for pressure cookers and backpacks, mixed with Catalano and her husband's son's curiosity turned into a woman's home being targeted as a possible terrorist location in Suffolk County, N.Y. on Long Island.

The woman wrote a blog on about the random search of her home in what turned out to be a funny viral story that has surfed throughout the web since she made the posting about the pressure cookers and backpacks in which apparently the feds were watching.

In her blog, she said the search of her home took weeks after the families original searches for the different items.

"Maybe they were waiting for some other devious Google search to show up but "what the hell do I do with quinoa" and "Is A-Rod suspended yet" didn't fit into the equation so they just moved in based on those older searches."

She did say that her husband was home when they showed up and allowed them to conduct a 45-minute search, which also featured questions about her husband's trip to South Korea and where his parents are from.

"They mentioned that they do this about 100 times a week. And that 99 of those visits turn out to be nothing. I don't know what happens on the other 1% of visits and I'm not sure I want to know what my neighbors are up to," Catalano told the Christian Post.

She said she was nervous for the next few days following the search, but continued to make a joke of it online.

 "All I know is if I'm going to buy a pressure cooker in the near future, I'm not doing it online," she ended the blog with. 

The Entire Blog Is HERE

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