Trailer Trailer Movie: Video Made Up Of 99 Hollywood Movie Trailers, Includes Clips From ‘The Avengers,’ ‘Thor,’ ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ ‘300,’ ‘Transformers’ [WATCH]

A trailer made from movie trailers. That's the video that is a Vimeo staff pick with more than 170,000 views and getting a lot of attention, made by 24-year-old Belarusian video editor named Vadzim Khudabets.

The video is called "Eterna" and runs just over six minutes, incorporating clips from some of the biggest blockbusters from Hollywood. According to The Inquisitr, the video turns the clips into a trailer, incorporating moments from unrelated films to create a whole new movie.

For years, Khudabets filed away moments that caught his interest every time he watched a Hollywood trailer or movie, Time magazine reports.

By spring of this year, the previews on his list would have taken a full day to watch end-to-end. It took Khudabets several months to cut down the number of clips, and to edit them together. Time reports that he was expecting to have a three minute video, but the end result was more than twice as long.

The epic trailer includes footage from 99 different movies, including "The Dark Knight Rises," "300," and "Transformers," The Inquisitr reports. It also includes Blockbuster hits like "The Avengers" and "Thor."

Khudabets decided to give his imaginary movie a plot and a name: "Eterna," about the eternal struggle between good and evil, which is what he believes all the movies included end up focusing on, Time magazine reports.

"It was one of the works that you are doing for the soul, not for the client," Khudabets said. "Favorite music, favorite movies-what could be better?"

Watch the epic trailer here: 


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