Justin Bieber Gets Dissed By Sharon Osbourne: Says 'Baby' Singer Is Trying To Be Black After Calling Kanye West 'Average Looking'

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In a recent interview with The Daily Beast, Sharon Osbourne, infamous for speaking her mind, weighed in on Justin Bieber right after dissing Kanye West all together.

The opinated host of "The Talk" had a lot to say about Jay Bee, who she predicted "won't stand the test of time" last Fall according to Us Magazine.

She believes all the stunts that the teenage sensation has pulled lately is just a front to appear rough and tough.

"He’s trying to act out, said the U.K.'s X Factor co-host. "It’s like pissing in a bucket. It’s like, 'Oh, we’re the bad boys!' Fuck off! You don’t know what bad is."

The wife of rocker Ozzie Osbourne also suggested that JB's wannabe bad boy ways is a sign of an identity crisis.

"I think that he’s lost, I really do," she said. "I think he doesn’t realize he’s white and not black, that’s a huge problem," she continued. Is the former "The Osbournes" reality star insinuating that the outlandish things Bieber does, like spitting on fans, is the definition of acting black?

In addition, it does seem like Sharon still questions whether Bieber will be able to stand the test of time as she thinks his lack of self-identification is clashing with his ability to maneuver into manhood while being in the spotlight.

"At the point he’s at in his career, it’s so dangerous because we’ve seen it all before a million times," explained Osbourne. "Where do you go when you’re a child entertainer and then you want to transition to be a man? Very few make it."

Although she is not pleased with Justin's current behavior, Kelly Osbourne's mom expressed her sympathy for Selena Gomez's old flame.

"I feel really bad for him. There’s this little kid with a huge dream, he’s cute, girls love him, and he wants to be a mean boy, and he’s about as mean as a fuckin’ kitten."

Her view on the Biebez wasn't as bad as what she had to say about Kanye West. Declaring Kim Kardashian's man as his own No. 1 fan, Sharon is not impressed with the rapper she coins as "average."

"I have no time for him. He bores me. I said it on the show, he’s an average-looking man with an average talent," she said.

She went even further with the insults by claiming he would fit in more working at a car dealership than being in Hollywood.

"He’s a great salesman. He should sell cars because they would fuckin’ fly out the door."

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Justin Bieber
Kanye West
Sharon Osbourne
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Kelly Osbourne
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Kim Kardashian
