Mysterious Pentagram Shows Up on Google Maps; Secret Church of Scientology Bunker or Theme Park?

A mysterious pentagram is visible on Google maps, but don’t try to get there by yourself. Its miles away from civilization and is probably driving conspiracy buffs wild worldwide. Is the mysterious pentagram the site of an ancient satanic cabal? Does it point to the doorway to hell? The mysterious pentagram was spotted in Kazakhstan, in central Asia. It looks like miles of design that was carved into the earth’s surface.

The mysterious pentagram, a five pointed star, can be found on Google maps on the south shore of the Upper Tobol Reservoir, about 12 miles east of Lisajovsk, Kazakhstan, which is the closes human settlement in the area. The surrounding area of the mysterious pentagram is home to many ancient archaeological ruins, like cemeteries and burial grounds and early settlements that date to the Bronze Age. Archaeologists have not fully explored the area.

The mysterious pentagram-shaped structure is about 1,200 feet in diameter. It sits near two Google map highlighted areas, one is called Adam and the other is called Lucifer.

The pentagram shape is a fixture of many different cultures, myths and religions. Not all of them Satanic. Not all of them even mystical. The pentagram is a symbol used by the Pythagoreans, who follow the ancient Greek mathematician, Pythagoras, which adds up. The symbol of the pentagram graces illustrations from the Mesopotamians, Christians, Freemasons and Wiccans.

The mysterious Kazakh pentagram is just one bizarre sighting that you can find on Google Maps. Two large diamond shapes that are surrounded by two overlapping circles can be seen in the desert of New Mexico. A book on the Church of Scientology claims that this is where the L. Ron Hubbard followers keep a hidden bunker. Google Map explorers have also found a Yagi antenna ray, which is used for atmospheric research, in the Gobi Desert and a huge Colonel Sanders face smiling up in a really supersized KFC ad.

Emma Usmanova, an archaeologist who has explored the Lisakovsk area for years told LiveScience, "It is the outline of a park made in the form of a star.”

During the Soviet era, mysterious pentagram didn’t hold so much mystery. Pentagrams graced buildings, flags and monuments in the Soviet Union until is broke up in 1991. Kazakhstan used to be part of the Soviet Union. The park sat by a lake and there are roadways leading to it that are now overgrown and lined with trees. The trees make the pentagram shape stand out in aerial photographs.

by Tony Sokol

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