Raven-Symoné Finally Comes Out On Twitter, Fans Protest That She "Ruined Their Childhood"--Or Are Supportive

Raven-Symonè has finally come out as a lesbian via Twitter. There have been rumors about the actress' sexual orientation for years now....but now Raven Symone has put the rumors to rest with discussion of gay marriage.

Raven-Symone Tweeted that she can "finally get married" and thanked the government for it.

Symone posted,

Symoné, 27, starred on "That's So Raven". Her Tweet was likely referring to the Supreme Court's ruling to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA. Because of this decision, same-sex marriages are now recognized by the Federal government, and many states have followed suit to align with federal law, including two this week, Rhode Island and Minnesota. Rumors have been swirling about Raven's sexuality for years. She refused to comment on earlier rumors, when she Tweeted "My sexual orientation is mine, and the person I'm datings to know. I'm not one for a public display of my life," While Raven-Symoné was reticent to comment before, she now seems more willing to do so. She said in a statement, "I am very happy that gay marriage is opening up around the country and is being accepted. I was excited to hear today that more states legalized gay marriage. I, however am not currently getting married, but it is great to know I can now, should I wish to." Fans reacted in various ways, from being nonplussed (after all, there have been rumors for years) to outright dismay. Conservative groups attacked the star, as they are wont to do, saying that she corrupted their childhood or ruined something they were nostalgic about. One fan, however, responded to the protest by saying, Raven-Symoné retweeted this comment, and it was applauded by other fans.

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