"Steven Moffat On 12th Doctor Who Female Rumors: 'It Just Doesn't Feel Right,' Is Sherlock Producer Sexist?

Last August 4, 2013, BBC broadcast a special live telecast to announce the 12th Doctor Who, who happens to be Peter Capaldi. Despite giving out hints last year that the next Time Lord [or Time Lady] could be a woman, Steven Moffat decided to stick to a male role.

Does this count as another "sexist" act from Moffat? This wasn't the first time Moffat was accused of being a sexist.

Earlier last year, on an interview, Moffat said, "I was called a misogynist because I was reducing women to mothers" when he wrote a storyline about the mother of Dr. Who.

Moffat automatically answered the accusations stating that, "Reducing women to mothers' - now there is possibly the most anti-women statement I've heard." Moffat stands firm that it's the other way around. On the same interview, Moffat balked the sexist accusations by saying, "You could accuse me of having a fetish for powerful, sexy women who like cheating people. That would be fair."

Despite these accusations, Moffat gives hope to Whovians for a future female Doctor Who. After announcing Capaldi as the next Doctor Who, Steven Moffats explained his side on sticking with a male character for the famous Brit series.

On an interview, Moffats gave the possibility of having a female Time Lord stating, "It's absolutely narratively possible and when it's the right decision maybe we'll do it. But it didn't feel to me right now... I didn't feel enough people wanted it."

Before yesterday's announcement on BBC, there have been hints that a female "Doctor Who" could be named. Several actress have been recommended including Joanna Lumley, Dawn French, and even Frances de la Tour.

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