‘Transformers 4’ Movie News: Crew Will Film At General Motors Assembly Plant In Detroit This Weekend, Production Of Automobiles Won't Be Affected

"Transformers 4" movie has been filming in downtown Detroit, and the latest news is that the film crew for the Paramount Pictures movie will shoot scenes at General Motors Co.'s Lansing Delta Township assembly plant this weekend, a GM spokeswoman confirmed today.

According to LSJ.com, it will be a closed set, so visitors will not be allowed inside to watch the filming. The shoot will take place on Saturday and Sunday and is expected to be the first and only time the movie crew will film there, Lansing-based spokeswoman Erin Davis said, LSJ reports.

Production of the Buick Enclave, Chevrolet Traverse and GMC Acadia crossover automobiles built there by GM won't be affected because assembly lines typically don't run on weekends, Davis said.

CBS Detroit News reports that filming for the 4th "Transformers" movie began last Wednesday in downtown Detroit near Comerica Park, turning the center of the city into a Hong Kong street scene.

The center and surrounding streets were scheduled to be closed from 5 a.m. Sunday through 4 a.m. Monday, LSJ reports. Passengers are not happy, and aren't sure where they are supposed to catch their buses during filming.

"I didn't know what to do," said Tamesha Sneed, 22, was trying to get about 9 p.m. Sunday. "Somebody told me to catch it in one place, but when I got over there, it was the wrong place so I missed my bus."

Nearby resident Peter Mays says neighbors were warned that things could get intense during the shoot. "There'd be pyrotechnics and explosions and gunfire and they said they'd be shooting from basically seven in the morning 'til about sunset," explained Mays.

The latest Transformers movie, starring Mark Wahlberg and Stanley Tucci, has been filming in various locations in Michigan this summer. Filming in Detroit will most likely continue throughout the week, LSJ reports.

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