Playstation 4 Release Date And Price: December 13 Date Confirmed , Toys R Us Spokesman Says Information Was ‘Given Direct From Our Suppliers’

Playstation 4 release date rumors have been spreading since Toys R Us announced the next-generation console would be available on December 13, but now the speculation might have some validity.

When Toys'R'Us was contacted for comment about whether these were simply placeholder dates or if they had a factual basis, a spokesperson replied, "I can confirm this information has been given direct from our suppliers and is accurate," IGN reports.

The December 13 release date means Microsoft will have a two-week head start over Sony with the November 29 release of its Xbox One.

New information also reveals that a December 13 release date for the Playstation 4 could hurt Sony's profits.

"For one, it would be too dangerous for Sony to release the PS4 by mid-December, despite its obvious advantage of being $100 more affordable; if the PS4 drops by December 13, that wouldn't give Sony enough time to ensure stocks are sufficient ahead of the Christmas season, particularly in America," the website writes.

"It would also be too late for most holiday shoppers, as recent studies show over one third of Americans are finished with their Christmas shopping by the first week of December."

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