Xbox One Release Date And Price: November 29 Date CONFIRMED, Toys R Us Spokesman Says Information Was ‘Given Direct From Our Suppliers’

Xbox One release date rumors have been spreading since Toys R Us announced the next-generation console would be available on November 29, but now the speculation might have some validity.

When Toys'R'Us was contacted for comment about whether these were simply placeholder dates or if they had a factual basis, a spokesperson replied, "I can confirm this information has been given direct from our suppliers and is accurate," IGN reports.

The November 29 release date means Microsoft will have a two-week head start over Sony with the December 13 release of its Playstation 4.

The official release date of the Xbox One might be revealed at the Gamescom festival later this month, which is held annually in Germany. It is the expected venue for the announcement of the release date. It will run from August 21 to August 25.

Last month, comments made by a Future Shop Gamer representative suggested the Xbox one might have a release date after November 5 once "Call of Duty: Ghosts" is released on the Xbox 360.

The spokesman posted a message on Twitter saying they believed the first-person shooter would be made available before the launches of both next-generation systems, Examiner reports.

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