‘Avengers 2’ Movie Cast: Loki Confirms Not Returning For Sequel To Make Room For New Characters Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver

"Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" movie cast will be without Loki, who was the villain of the first "Avengers" movie. Tom Hiddleston confirmed that his character will not be returning to the sequel, but assured fans that there will be plenty of other characters to get excited about.

Hiddleston told Entertainment Weekly that his departure from the franchise is official, and is a move necessary to make room for new characters like Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Hiddleston told EW:  "He's not in it," he said, referring to Loki. "Here's the thing: I don't think there's anything else Loki could contribute to 'The Avengers,' narratively. Joss gave me so many wonderful things to do in that first film that we'd only be trying to repeat ourselves, and probably less well in the second one."

Hilddleston continued: "When I think of all the things I loved as a child, for example, Hans Gruber wasn't in 'Die Hard 2.' And in Indiana Jones, by the time he moved from the 'Lost Ark' to the 'Temple of Doom,' there was a whole new bad guy. I think keeping it fresh and new is good for 'The Avengers' even though it's a shame for me. And let's face it, there's seven or eight of them as it is, and Joss [Whedon] is thinking about adding two more, so the screen's gonna be a busy place."

According to ScreenCrush.com, the main villain Ultron is a huge character, and it would be difficult to share screen time with additional villains. Also, the addition of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch would bring the number of heroes in "Age of Ultron" to eight, which is a lot of main characters.

Fans of Loki don't have to lament just yet. Hiddleston's character will feature in the sequel to "Thor," opposite Chris Hemsowrth. "Thor: The Dark World" will premiere November 8 this year.

Hiddleston told EW: "Oh, I've got plenty to do in 'Thor [2],' believe me. A lot of new stuff. It's a new iteration of the character ... It's a new development. Another trick, another poker game for the god of mischief. And he plays it well."

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